Saturday, November 1, 2014

Mom Asks CT to Become 2nd State in Nation to Stop #1 Birth Defects Virus

Elizabeth Saunders (1889-2006), born with congenital cytomegalovirus, with her big sister. Photo by her mother, Lisa Saunders
DATE: April 1, 2014
Lisa Saunders
P.O. Box 389, Mystic, CT 06355

Mom Asks CT to Become 2nd State in Nation to Stop #1 Birth Defects Virus

House Bill 5147 includes Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Public Education Program 

Mystic, Conn.— Lisa Saunders of Mystic didn’t know how to prevent contracting CMV (cytomegalovirus), which causes more disabilities than Down syndrome, until it was too late for her daughter Elizabeth born with a severely damaged brain.  

On March 25, Connecticut’s Public Health Committee voted in favor of House Bill 5147, which includes a cytomegalovirus (CMV) public education program. At present, Utah is the only state that requires their Public Health Department to provide CMV education.

Saunders, the parent representative of the Congenital CMV Foundation, is now asking legislators to make Connecticut the second state in the Union to prevent the leading viral cause of birth defects by passing HB 5147. Congenital CMV can be prevented if women of childbearing age learn the precautions to take, which includes refraining from kissing their toddlers around the mouth.

According to a study posted on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website, “fewer than half (44%) of OB/GYNs surveyed reported counseling their patients about preventing CMV infection” despite the following statistics from the CDC: 

·        About 1 in 150 children is born with congenital CMV infection (approximately 30,000 in the U.S. each year).

·        Congenital CMV causes one child to become disabled every hour.

Saunders has been trying to raise CMV awareness for years through her speaking engagements and books, including Anything But a Dog! The perfect pet for a girl with congenital CMV (cytomegalovirus), and most recently her travel memoir, Mystic Seafarer’s Trail, where she jokes she's trying to get thin and famous like Amelia Earhart (secretly married in Noank), so people will listen to her CMV prevention message.

For more information, visit Saunders at:

